33 results for:

real estate agencies in Fuengirola

  • JCH Servicios Inmobiliarios
    In evidence
    JCH Servicios Inmobiliarios

    Avenida Condes de San Isidro 9 1º Of 8 29640 - Fuengirola

    10 Listings in the area
  • Lv Real Estate
    Lv Real Estate

    C/ Hermanos Pinzon 5 29640 - Fuengirola

    152 Listings in the area

    Avenida Mijas 7 29640 - Fuengirola

    98 Listings in the area

    We are a real estate agency located in the town of Fuengirola, on the Costa del Sol and located just 22 km from the capital of Malaga. We are specialized in comprehensive real estate management, administration and consulting. With more than 30 years of experience in the sector, beginning with the first steps in 1991, Yuni's Properties Real Estate has developed its professional activity with rigor, ethics and professionalism and its progress within the sector has been evident, to place itself among the leading Malaga companies in the real estate sector. In our business organization we have the following concepts as a mission: purchase, sale and rental management of all kinds of real estate, real estate, legal and tax advice, financial advice, real estate marketing and advertising. Inmobiliaria Yuni´s Properties has a firm intention to continue progressing within the real estate sector. We focus on the person, whether collaborator or client, and we consider improvement a permanent movement. We constantly renew and expand our services in line with the latest developments and market demands, always adapting to the needs of our clients, with constant training and the necessary tools for their management. We are people who deal with people and always with the same and only objective: to contribute to the satisfaction of our customers. Help our clients make the most appropriate decision in real estate operations, facilitating the purchase, sale or rental of the property in the shortest possible time, achieving the best market price, legally protecting the assets of all parties, with transparency and reliability. , promoting the sustainable development of our real estate projects and contributing to the best quality of life for our clients, collaborators, our environment and with fair remuneration. The long business history of Inmobiliaria Yuni's Properties has been fundamentally characterized by the recognition of the individual values ​​of the people who make it up and their contributions to the Company as a whole. Among the values ​​that have guided the Company's journey and that will continue to do so in the future, the following stand out: • Action always subject to the principles of individual and business ethics. • Appreciation of effort and talent, two essential qualities for business development. • Fair return of the personal commitment of the entire human team of the Company. • Spirit of individual and collective improvement necessary for the progress of the Company CODE OF ETHICS OF THE COMPANY: – Protects and respects the interests of its clients, while dealing honestly with the opposing party. – You are prohibited from hiding property defects and relevant property information if they are known. – Collaborate with other colleagues for the benefit of your client. – Keeps the funds in an independent security account, created solely to provision this money. – Ensures that agreements are in writing and all parties receive a copy of it. –

  • CENTURY 21 Infinity
    CENTURY 21 Infinity
    • On Indomio.es for 1 year

    Av. Nuestro Padre Jesus Cautivo 5 29640 - Fuengirola

    27 Listings in the area
  • Kosta Del Sol
    Kosta Del Sol

    Avda. Encarnacion Nº 13, Buzon 80 29640 - Fuengirola

    61 Listings in the area
  • Fincas Barea
    Fincas Barea
    • On Indomio.es for 1 year

    C/ Héroes Dos de Mayo 3, Local 6 29640 - Fuengirola

    35 Listings in the area

    Calle Maestra Ángeles Azpiazu 3 29640 - Fuengirola

    27 Listings in the area
  • Julia Real Estate Spain
    Julia Real Estate Spain

    C/ Juan Ramón Jiménez 2 29640 - Fuengirola

    27 Listings in the area
  • Realty Kasa
    Realty Kasa

    Calle Camino de La Cantera 16 29640 - Fuengirola

    18 Listings in the area
  • Felicity Estates
    Felicity Estates

    Calle el Cid 2 29640 - Fuengirola

    15 Listings in the area
  • Quality Properties
    Quality Properties

    Geranios, 9.pueblo Lopez 29640 - Fuengirola

    6 Listings in the area
  • YellowMe
    • On Indomio.es for 1 year

    Av. Alcalde Clemente Díaz Ruiz 4 29640 - Fuengirola

    11 Listings in the area
  • Soler Home
    Soler Home

    Calle de las Perdices 6 29640 - Fuengirola

    4 Listings in the area
  • La Inmo Servicios Inmobiliarios
    La Inmo Servicios Inmobiliarios

    Doctor Garcia Verdugo, Local 8 29640 - Fuengirola

    10 Listings in the area
  • Euro Service Real Estate
    Euro Service Real Estate
    • On Indomio.es for 1 year

    Avenida de Los Boliches 103 29640 - Fuengirola

    4 Listings in the area

    EURO SERVICE is an international family-owned real estate agency established in 1996 with the essential goal to provide its clients a personalised attention and top real estate service. EURO SERVICE has a multilingual team of experts who will provide you with the best service and help you to find your dream home or to sell your property, as well as a legal staff that will advise and guide you from start to finish throughout the buying and selling process. We work with international and national clientele, in order to attend the concerns of all our clients and satisfy their wishes. Our company has 2 offices located in Benalmádena (Arroyo de la Miel) and Fuengirola (Los Boliches) offering to our clients the best service at all times. Throughout our history, we have been in permanent evolution, always dealing with market trends and updating our structure to be more competitive every day. We are passionate about our job and work hard always trying to meet our customers' expectations. We would like to thank all our clients for their loyalty and for choosing EURO SERVICE as their trusted real estate agency and of course we warmly welcome all our new clients who will continue to growing up our great family. We will definitely continue providing the best service. WE THANK YOU FOR TRUSTING US!

  • Home Center Sur
    Home Center Sur

    Av. de Los Boliches 59 29649 - Fuengirola

    5 Listings in the area
  • Alquilofacil Costa del Sol
    Alquilofacil Costa del Sol

    Avda Condes de San Isidro 47 29640 - Fuengirola

    1 Listing in the area
  • Guchi Estates Costa del Sol
    Guchi Estates Costa del Sol

    Avenida Matías Sáenz de Tejada 3 29640 - Fuengirola

    81 Listings in the area
  • Grupo Building
    Grupo Building

    AV MATIAS SAENZ DE TEJADA 3 29640 - Fuengirola

    34 Listings in the area
  • VILAHOUSE Real Estate
    VILAHOUSE Real Estate

    . 29640 - Fuengirola

    29 Listings in the area
  • Re/max Sunset
    Re/max Sunset
    • Associated UNEXIA
    • On Indomio.es for 1 year

    Av. Ramón y Cajal 54 29640 - Fuengirola

    8 Listings in the area

    No hay mayor prueba de un trabajo bien realizado que la de un cliente satisfecho, y los consumidores nos valoran año tras año, designándonos como la compañía inmobiliaria mejor valorada. Esto supone el mejor aval sobre la calidad de nuestros servicios. RE/MAX es la compañía internacional no solo líder en venta de franquicias inmobiliarias, sino que también lo es en cuanto a número de propiedades vendidas, número de agentes y oficinas a nivel mundial y lo más importante, ¡lidera el número de clientes satisfechos! Una satisfacción que se debe principalmente al hecho de que RE/MAX y su exclusivo sistema de trabajo está pensado por y para el beneficio de todos los actores involucrados en el negocio inmobiliario. Vendedores, Compradores, Agentes Inmobiliarios y emprendedores, encontrarán en la compañía los mayores beneficios. Los servicios son diferentes porque RE/MAX es diferente. Ofrecemos un trato y un servicio exclusivo desde el primer momento. Algunos de los servicios que nos identifican son la valoración de inmuebles realizada sobre inmuebles ya vendidos y los precios reales de cierre de los mismos en notaría a diferencia de otras valoraciones que sólo tienen en cuenta las propiedades en venta (y por lo tanto precios de referencia erróneos que en muchas ocasiones es lo que se pide pero no lo que se acaba obteniendo), servicios jurídicos, servicios financieros, el MLS, acompañamiento en todo el proceso de compraventa, servicios profesionales de fotografía, emisión de Certificados de Eficiencia Energética.., Todos estos servicios nos diferencian del resto y nos permiten tener una identidad propia.

  • Alamo Internacional
    Alamo Internacional

    Calle Córdoba 37 29640 - Fuengirola

    12 Listings in the area
  • Rivera Estates
    Rivera Estates
    • On Indomio.es for 1 year

    Plaza de la Hispanidad 5 29640 - Fuengirola

    14 Listings in the area

    Avenida Carvajal 7 29640 - Fuengirola

    17 Listings in the area

    Calle Juan Sebastián Elcano 5 29640 - Fuengirola

    23 Listings in the area

    ARRIBA ESTATES is a family run estate agency located on the Paseo Maritimo of Fuengirola. We have been working for our hard for our clients for over 20 years and have built up a reputation from friendliness and professionalism. If you are looking to buy on the Costa del Sol, contact us!
