In the area of La Portilla we have this land, which is mostly urban, about 2,548 meters and a smaller part is rustic, that is, about 1,156 meters. It has many possibilities due to the wide façade that faces the street, approximately 90 meters; and also for having two heights, which gives chance to several buildings. Another feature to highlight are unobstructed views due to the height of the land. These views look at the Portilla river walk, what used to be the flow of the river, some crops and the town of Cuevas del Almanzora. The situation is very good, being in an area of residential expansion, with a developing perspective of residential area for villas and very close to all the services necessary for daily life. Offers are heard and the sale of a segregated part can also be contemplated; the minimum of urban segregation is 60m2. The market price is €60 per square meter, which is negotiable depending on the number of meters you intend to buy. Ideal for chalets or independent homes with swimming pool on plots between 400 and 600 m2 or even more. Segregation can allow for a wide frontage to the street; from 6 meters. For more specific queries please contact us. The measurements in photographs and markings on plans or aerial photographs are approximate and for indicative use only, the measurements placed in the description of the ad are those stipulated in the deed. Current Price + Tax= €203,642.4 (7% ITP). (This price does not include notary and registration fees. The rates applied are the highest, and the buyer, due to its characteristics, can benefit from some tax deductions.