You can make a virtual visit of the house by accessing our website with the reference ES1RP000260 Opportunity!! For sale 3 star hotel in operation in the Mar Menor area (Murcia), 865 m2 built, 365 m2 above ground, the rest sub. With 10 very spacious exterior double rooms with bathroom, A / C cold heat, refrigerator, T.V. The hotel offers breakfast service, with an annual occupancy of 91%, 3,200 overnight stays per year, with an average of € 44 per day. With an approximate turnover of € 100,000 for the hotel service. The hotel has a cafeteria with an approximate turnover of € 90,000. The hotel expenses plus the cafeteria would be approximately € 90,000. Personnel hired: 1 person in reception, 1 person in cafeteria and 2 in cleaning. In the process of approval in the modification of the General Plan of the Municipality the possibility of raising 3 more floors. Great Goodwill rating 8.9 on and among the top 10 hotels in the region on Tripadvisor. Possibility of making a transaction through the purchase of the owner company, with the derived tax benefits.