Would you like to have your own plot where you can grow delicious vegetables? We present you this magnificent SEGREGADA plot in rustic land, Miralamar area with 3.353 m2. DO YOU HAVE ANYTHING TO GROW ALLI? ARE THERE VINEYARDS OR WHAT? HOW IS THE LANE? IS IT ASPHALTED? Quiet and clear area. It is totally LLANA???? magnificent views. Visit it without commitment, you will like it! By express mandate of the owner, we market this property exclusively, which guarantees you access to all information, a quality service, easy and simple treatment and no interference from third parties. For this reason, we ask you not to disturb the owner, the occupants of the property or the neighbours. Thank you very much for your understanding. We inform our clients that Notary, Gestoria, Taxes and agency fees are not included in the price. We also have the Property Information Document (according to Decree 218/2005, of October 11th) and the Surety Insurance, for the protection of the money given as a deposit for the Reservation of a property.