Mechanical workshop in operation. Retirement
This place is located in one of the most populated and growing neighborhoods in Oviedo. Naranco area and a stone's throw from downtown.
Clientele comes to you alone, since the convenience of being able to repair your vehicle just a stone's throw from work or your home is not very common in cities.
All the necessary tools are available, which are in operation and are included in this option.
It has all the valid industrial use licenses, as well as a municipal sidewalk use license, indicating that vehicles can be parked on the public sidewalk itself.
If you have knowledge in mechanics and want to start or expand your business, here is a great opportunity.
If you have knowledge in mechanics and want to start or expand your business, here is a great opportunity.
By RETIREMENT, the current client portfolio is included.
For more information, Cuarta Avenida Servicios Inmobiliarios invites you to learn about this BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY.