Total surface area 900 m, villa plot area 6300 m, usable floor area 900 m, double bedrooms: 6, double bedrooms are ensuite: 1, 4 bathrooms, 1 toilets, age between 30 and 50 years, built-in wardrobes (a tot arreu), heating (gasoil), paving, ext. woodwork (alumini+porticons melis), internal carpentry (roure massis), fireplace (en el menjador), kitchen (molt gran+menjador), dining room (molt gran 2 nivells), state of repair: in good condition, garage, garden (molt maco), utility room (gran+quarto planxa), facing sud/oest, swimming pool (molt gran automàtica), reinforced door, security system (alarma), sunny, telephone, terrace (molt gran+barana teca), lands: gres rustic, built-up, double glazing (climalit), lighting.