Gastronomic society located in the center of Estella, near the two main squares of the city.
This local is located in Calleja los Toros, 31200, Estella, Navarra, on the first floor. It is a local that has 110 m2 of which 90 m2 are useful and has 1 bathrooms.
It has dishwasher, individual heating: hot/cold pump, equipped kitchen, air conditioning, furnished, toilet and elevator.
You can either buy or rent. Prices negotiable.
Fully equipped: air conditioning, stove, dishwasher, refrigerator, refrigerator-chest, microwave, dining room, toilet.
In Hihomie, we care about giving you the best service. Therefore, we offer you the financial feasibility study at no cost, and we help you to obtain up to 100% financing to fulfill your dream of having this beautiful home.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information about this wonderful property located in an unbeatable environment, we are waiting for you!