Housing price in the Tenerías - Fuenteminaya - San Antón area, Aranda de Duero

The map shows the average prices of the residential properties in the area Tenerías - Fuenteminaya - San Antón in Aranda de Duero. The reference period is December 2024.


3,410 €/m²



6.38 €/m²


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Property prices trend in the zone Tenerías - Fuenteminaya - San Antón

The following charts show price trends over time for all types of residential property in the Tenerías - Fuenteminaya - San Antón area, both for sale and for rent.

Average price sale (€/m²)
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In December 2024 the average price asked for residential properties for sale was € 3,410 per square meter, with an increase of 142.36% compared to February 2024 (1,407 €/m²). Over the past 2 years, the average price in the Tenerías - Fuenteminaya - San Antón area reached its peak in the month of December 2024, with a value of € 3,410 per square meter. The month with the lowest asking price was October 2024: for a property for sale, the average price asked was € 1,083 per square meter.

Average price rent (€/m²)
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In December 2024 the average price asked for residential rental properties was € 6.38 per month per square meter, with a decrease of 6.31% compared to February 2024 (€ 6.81 monthly per square meter). Over the past 2 years, the average price in the Tenerías - Fuenteminaya - San Antón area reached its peak in the month of December 2023, with a value of € 6.86 per square meter. The month with the lowest asking price was April 2024: for a rental property, the average price asked was € 6.08 per month per square meter.