Housing prices in the municipality of Valle de Arana - Harana

The map shows the average prices of the residential properties in the municipality of Valle de Arana - Harana. The reference period is December 2024.


0 €/m²

from 225 €/m² to 2,660 €/m²


0.00 €/m²

from 4.03 €/m² to 11.63 €/m²

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Property prices trend in Valle de Arana - Harana

The following charts show price trends over time for all types of residential property in Valle de Arana - Harana, both for sale and for rent.

Average price sale (€/m²)
The service is temporarily unavailable

Currently, we do not have enough information on prices per square meter asked for properties for sale in the municipality of Valle de Arana - Harana; we therefore encourage you to return to this page periodically.

Average price rent (€/m²)
The service is temporarily unavailable

Currently, we do not have enough information on the prices per square meter asked for rental properties in the municipality of Valle de Arana - Harana; we therefore encourage you to return to this page periodically.

Prices per square meter of the municipalities in the province of Álava - Araba

We currently do not have enough information on the asking price per square meter for properties in the municipality of Valle de Arana - Harana, so please visit this page periodically.

Socio-demographic data in the municipality of Valle de Arana - Harana

The following charts show information about the real estate property of the municipality of Valle de Arana - Harana and a summary of the demographic and socio-economic aspects that characterize its resident population, consisting of 218 inhabitants.