- 1/45destacado
- 1/2premium
- 1/2premium
- 1/3premium
- 1/40destacado€ 790,000Single family villa 12 rooms, good condition, El Álamo5+ rooms509 m²3+ bathroomsLuxuryCellar
- 1/22premium
- 1/21premium
- 1/60destacado€ 720,000Single family villa Calle Ramal del Crucero, Sevilla la Nueva4 rooms516 m²3+ bathroomsCellar
- 1/49newdestacado€ 625,000Two-family villa Calle Nogales, Las Retamas-Prado Santo Domingo-Ensanche Sur, Alcorcón4 rooms197 m²3 bathroomsLuxuryNo LiftTerraceCellar
- 1/10destacado
- 1/51premium€ 347,000Single family villa Carretera de Robledo, Navas del Rey4 rooms264 m²2 bathroomsTerraceCellar
- 1/48newdestacado€ 375,000Chalet 6 rooms, excellent condition, Coimbra-Guadarrama, Móstoles5+ rooms233 m²3+ bathrooms
- 1/39premium
- 1/78destacado€ 820,000Chalet 9 rooms, good condition, Parque Oeste-Fuente Cisneros-Campodón, Alcorcón5+ rooms322 m²3+ bathroomsLuxuryNo LiftTerraceOnly Kitchen Furnished
- 1/40destacado€ 780,000Chalet 4 rooms, Parque Oeste-Fuente Cisneros-Campodón, Alcorcón4 rooms256 m²3 bathroomsLuxuryNo LiftOnly Kitchen Furnished
- 1/42premium€ 374,000Two-family villa 5 rooms, Navalcarnero5 rooms234 m²3 bathroomsNo LiftOnly Kitchen Furnished
- 1/23destacado
- 1/44premium
- 1/60destacado€ 385,000Two-family villa 4 rooms, good condition, El Álamo5+ rooms820 m²3 bathroomsBalconyTerraceFurnishedCellar
- 1/10newpremium
- 1/11premium€ 177,000Chalet 3 rooms, to be refurbished, Villanueva de Perales3 rooms120 m²3 bathroomsNo LiftTerrace
- 1/36premium
- 1/39premium€ 450,000Single family villa 5 rooms, good condition, Norte-Universidad, Móstoles5 rooms404 m²3 bathroomsNo Lift
- 1/1premium
- 1/64destacado